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As business owners it can be really easy to fall into a rhythm where you are so focused on managing and growing your business that you forget to look how far you’ve come and really take in what you’ve accomplished. This actually hit really hard this week for us as we had one of our biggest weeks ever with land sales and the launch of the Master Class. These we’re big milestones and instead of taking a second to congratulate ourselves, we just went along with our day as if nothing had happened. That’s the exact opposite of what we should’ve done though. Did we need to throw a massive party? No, probably not but we absolutely should be doing something no matter how big or small that is. We imagine that happens a lot in your businesses too. Especially for those of you that are still working a day job, managing your family life and still growing your business on the side. So join us today as we dive into this a little and then maybe get up and do a little happy dance or something to congratulate yourself on how far you’ve come.